Admissions Process
Families prayerfully considering CCHSA will want to visit the campus during a school day. If you are interested in making an inquiry, please click here. An inquiry is the first step in our enrollment process. You will be contacted to set up a campus visitation. If this is a summer inquiry, a visitation is not possible. Spending the day on campus with us will answer many of your questions, allow you time to get a feel for our school culture and process, and help you make the best decision regarding your children's education.
Getting started...
Click here to make an inquiry and to schedule a visit during our Open House. Once a family has visited the campus, application and reference forms are completed, and an interview is scheduled. The interview allows families to gain a better understanding of the program and allows an opportunity to get to know each other. We understand that you are interviewing us as much as we are interviewing you. We aspire to admit students based on their motivation to be in the program, their desire to learn, and their willingness to cooperate with other students and teachers on campus.
After the campus visit (still accepting applications during summer break, no visit necessary), the application process is as follows:
1) Fill out the application form and family reference forms, which our staff will send to you.
2) A follow up interview to either meet in person or conference call will be scheduled.
3) If it is decided that it is a good fit for your family and for us as a school, then you will get notice of acceptance. You will then register each student online and turn in the registration and supply fees.
CCHSA is an organization of parents volunteering their homeschooling talents and time in an effort to support other like-minded families in the education of both their children and others. God, in His sovereignty, has brought our families together to accomplish the common goal of educating our children to His glory. Assembling a staff that utilizes their gifts and talents, God is working both in us and through us to accomplish this purpose. Constantly mindful that we are walking a narrow path, each staff position is filled after much prayer. If you feel God is leading you to minister at CCHSA, an interview may be scheduled depending on the availability of positions and the applicant’s qualifications. When you accept a staff position, you agree to a one-year commitment. Leaving the position mid-year creates an undue hardship on the remaining staff.
Being a staff volunteer at CCHSA requires dedication. The time investment and personal sacrifices required are significant. The current staff and anyone prayerfully considering a staff position need to have a strong conviction from God that this is His calling on their lives. Because ministering in this capacity impacts the family, it is vital that a husband and wife are one-minded about this decision. However, CCHSA is resolute that staff members’ priorities are their relationships with God, their relationships with their husbands and children, and their responsibilities as staff personnel. If a parent volunteers and is accepted to a position, we offer CSF credits.
Curriculum Service Fee (CSF)
CSF is paid for the months of August through April for a total of nine months.
High School (grades 9th-12th) is $250.00 per month.
Middle School (grades 5th-8th) is $200.00 per month.
Elementary 3/4 (grades 3rd & 4th) is $150 per month.
Elementary 1/2 (grades 1st & 2nd) is $150 per month.
CSF is due on the first of every month and is considered late after the fifth day of the month. Any payments received after the first day of the month will be assessed a $25 late fee. CSF will be invoiced to families via the treasurer.
Registration Fee
The non-refundable registration fee is $250 per family and is due when the registration form is submitted for your student(s). There is a $50 late fee for registrations after the last day of the current school year.
Student Services Fee
These fees are non-refundable. There is an annual online fee of $75 per family that is due on May 1st of each school year. There is also a $50 per student supply fee for science, humanities, copies, and equipment due annually on May 1st or upon enrollment of new families.